
Friday 3 December 2021

Play make create

 On Friday, we did Play Make Create. This is where the teacher reads you a story and you discuss the message in the story. Then you create something based on the message and also do a piece of writing. You can use materials or make a digital creation.  This week Mrs Craig Read the book: Stinkosaurus Saves Christmas

 It was about how even the most unlikely people can turn out to be a hero. I chose to design a fabulous flying machine. It is a parachute when you drop it the parachute slowed down.

Friday 26 November 2021

Play Make Create

 On Friday, we did Play Make Create. This is where the teacher reads you a story and you discuss the message in the story. Then you create something based on the message and also do a piece of writing. You can use materials or make a digital creation.  This week Mrs Craig Read the book: One for you and two for me.

 It was about the importance of friendship and sharing thing fairly.

 I chose to Something to remind Bear and Weasel how important friendships are and was had to write a recipe add strawberries in it I did a strawberry milkshake

here is my work:

Monday 22 November 2021


 For Maori we have been learning to say the what the weather is like here is my Google draw

Friday 19 November 2021

Pet Day

 We have Pet Day at Ohaeawai School every year and one of the activities we do is to create a symmetrical design on a saucer using flower petals. You put Vaseline on the saucer first to make the flowers stick. That’s why they are called Vaseline Saucers. Here is a pic of me with mine:

Thursday 18 November 2021


 We have been learning about using apps on our Chromebook to create images that look like mosaics or stained glass windows. We used Google Draw to make some and some people also used Sumopaint. Here is the image I made using Google Draw. I chose a do a cow and a Panda because we have lots of cows and and pandas are my second favourite animal. Here is my work.

Friday 12 November 2021

play make create

On Friday, we did Play Make Create. This is where the teacher reads you a story and you discuss the message in the story. Then you create something based on the message and also do a piece of writing. You can use materials or make a digital creation.  This week Mrs Craig Read the book: That’s Not the Monster We Ordered.

  It was about being grateful for what you have.

 I chose to design veggies

Thursday 11 November 2021

Narrative Writing

 For writing we have been learning about narrative  I have to try to use and verbs adjectives and interesting language .Here is my work.

Snapshot - The Man and the Gorill

 Last week we had to write about a picture and on that picture there is a giant gorilla and  man and his dog. We had to  include verbs, adverbs and so on. Here is my work

Friday 5 November 2021

play make create

 On Friday, we did Play Make Create. This is where the teacher reads you a story and you discuss the message in the story. Then you create something based on the message and also do a piece of writing. You can use materials or make a digital creation.  This week Mrs Craig Read the book: That’s Not the Monster We Ordered.

  It was about being grateful for what you have.

 I chose to make something special that fits inside of a box

Friday 29 October 2021

Frank Stella

 We have been learning about abstract art. It’s all about creating works of art that don’t actually look like anything. We focused on the American artist Frank Stella, who liked to make pictures using shapes like circles, triangles and rectangles.

Here is my work:

Friday 22 October 2021

play make create

This week for play make create we read a story called I am peace that was about emotions we did a narrative writing and we had to do it alone on a boat with no anchor that was mixed together with design and build here is my writing and Anchor.

Thursday 30 September 2021


Here my handwriting camel for term 3

Friday 24 September 2021

Play Make Create

 On Friday, we did Play Make Create. This is where the teacher reads you a story and you discuss the message in the story. Then you create something based on the message and also do a piece of writing. You can use materials or make a digital creation.  This week Mrs Craig Read the book: Wombat Stew. It was about a dingo who caught a wombat and tried to make wombat stew. But, it didn’t work other animals put gross stuff into it to making it poisoned


 I chose to a trap or gadget to catch a wombat (safely without hurting it)

Friday 17 September 2021

opposite poems

 We have been  learning how to write different styles of poems.Here is my opposite poem

Friday 10 September 2021

play make create

 In Week 7 of Term 3, we got back to school!!! On Friday, we did Play Make Create. This is where the teacher reads you a story and you discuss the message in the story. Then you create something based on the message and also do a piece of writing. You can use materials or make a digital creation.  This week Mrs Craig Read the book: Tidy

  It was about a badger that was too tidy.

 I chose to create something to get a cross the mud

Friday 3 September 2021

My Activities Week 6 Term 3 2021

This week we carried on with our ‘insect’ topic for reading, writing, handwriting and art. For maths we practised basic facts and worked on writing a variety of equations which would have a certain number for the answer. We also practised solving problems using place value or known facts knowledge. Here is a selection of my work:


Friday 27 August 2021


 Yet another thing we did for writing this week was to imagine that we had undergone metamorphosis. 

We had to pretend we had woken up one morning and discovered we had changed. It would be like going to sleep as a caterpillar and waking up as a butterfly. We had to write about what our new body was like and what we could do. I chose to turn into a hummingbird

Here is my work.


 This week one thing we did for writing was a Come to Your Senses Poem. First you had to think of a human emotion, like love. Then you had to say what colour it would be. Then, you had to write 5 more sentences using your 5 senses saying how each would relate to love. The emotion I chose was Sadness

Here is my work.


 Another thing we have been  learning in maths is how to solve word problems involving combinations of things. You had to be able to write addition equations showing as many different   combinations as we could. 

Some people found it was useful to do your figuring out using a table. But not the kind of table you eat off-a mathematical table.

Here is my work.

Friday 13 August 2021

kindest giant in town

In Week 3 of Term 3, we did Play Make Create. This is where the teacher reads you a story and you discuss the message in the story. Then you create something based on the message and also do a piece of writing. You can use materials or make a digital creation.  This week Mrs Craig Read the book: The smartest Giant in Town by Julia Donaldson.

  It was about being kind.

 I chose to write sentences about how kind of the giant is. Here is my work.


Friday 30 July 2021

Play make create

  Today for play make create we read a book called silly Goats Gruff Laylah and I made a wanted poster for a troll. Here is my work.

Thursday 8 July 2021


 We are learning to advertise ourselves positive online by sharing on our blog. For this task we created a poster about ourselves and the different things that are most important about us.

Wednesday 7 July 2021


 Today we wrote a piece of writing about the weather. We got to choose whatever type we wanted. I chose to write about summer.

Tuesday 6 July 2021

Pixel Art

A couple of weeks ago for the art auction we had to make a pixel art. Here is my work.  I hope you like it.

Monday 5 July 2021

 A couple of weeks ago my group made a movie.  In my group I had Laylah, Sienna M,  Maia,  Phoebe B , Aiden and Cheyne is about Matariki. Hope you enjoy.

Matariki Day

 On Friday it was Matariki Day. My two activities were Maori games. We played 3 Maori games. We played rakau sticks, maori hand shake and pukana. My second activity was tin can candles. We had to hammer a design into the can and then we painted it. We put a candle into the tin.

Wednesday 30 June 2021

Science Experiment

 In Week 8,  Miss Fletcher gave us a science lesson about Matariki.

We had to write some notes about it.  Here is my work:

Mrs C, retired

In Week 8, Term 2  our school librarian, Mrs C, retired. On her last day, we put on a  Book Character Parade. We dressed up in costumes like book characters and then we went on a parade through the Daycare Centre next to the school, past the shops in the village, along Hobson St and back upTennyson St to the school. 

 I chose to dress up as piggie



 As part of our learning about Whare Tapa Wha we had to think about what our special place is for wairua. Mine is my family farm. Here is my work

Wednesday 23 June 2021


 We have been learning about fractions.


Flax & Matariki star

 For the past week we have been learning about personification. I wrote about Flax & Matariki stars. Here is my work

Flax star

 Yesterday I made a flax star. Here is my work 

Friday 18 June 2021

Play make create

  In Week Seven of Term 2, we did Play Make Create. This is where the teacher reads you a story and you discuss the message in the story. Then you create something based on the message and also do a piece of writing. You can use materials or make a digital creation.  This week Mrs Craig Read the book: The Day the Crayons Quit.  It was about how Duncan got a letter from his crayons about how they wanted to quit.

 I chose to make an outfit for the white crayon so it stands out. I also made a trailer movie of green things wth Laylah. Here is my wock

Friday 11 June 2021

Play, Make, Create

  In Term 2 Week Five  we did Play Make Create. This is where the teacher reads you a story and you discuss the message in the story. Then you create something based on the message and also do a piece of writing. You can use materials or make a digital creation.  This week Mrs Craig Read the book  ‘twig.” it is about a stick insect who does not get noticed then a bug put her in his art and she said I am not a twig I am a stick insect and they played happily ever after.
 I chose to build a house for a bug and a movie poster. Here is my work

Thursday 10 June 2021

Similes poem about me

 In Week 5, we learned how to write a Simile poem. This kind of poem needs a simile in almost every line. We could base it on any topic we wanted.   I chose to base mine on me. Here is my work

Autunn Leaves

 In Week 4,  we went on a hunt in the playground to see if we could find some autumn leaves. We looked for them on trees and on the ground. Then we came back to class and wrote about them using as many of our senses as we could. Here is my work:

Thursday 3 June 2021

challenge no.13

 I have done a task to show what I have been doing for the last 24 hours. We had to put logo's onto a google draw. Here is my digital footprint.

Friday 28 May 2021

Play, Make, Create

In Term 2 Week Four we did Play Make Create. This is where the teacher reads you a story and you discuss the message in the story. Then you create something based on the message and also do a piece of writing. You can use materials or make a digital creation.  This week Mrs Craig Read the book paper, Scissors, Rock. It was about friendship and learning about your strengths and weaknesses.  I made a comic strip about chair vs pencil.

Friday 21 May 2021

play, make, crate

 This week for play, make, crate  we listened to a story '' give me some space''. I made a space menu with Laylah, Sienna M and me. Here is my work


This week we went on a hunt in the playground to see if we could find some feathers. We didn’t find any but luckily our teachers had collected some so then we came back to class and wrote about them using our senses of sight and touch to describe them. Here is my work: