
Thursday 12 December 2019

fish art

Last week we went to camp at Cooper's Beach, We went on a water slide and on the confidence  course and fishing. We also made some art. It was a collage jelly fish.

Here is my collage jellyfish.

Friday 1 November 2019

Great'and Grand's Day 2019

Last Friday  we had our Great and Grands day unforchanitly my grandparents did not make it. We did performances and dancing. We had a delicious morning tea and played games.
Here is my poem I wrote for my grandparent.

Friday 27 September 2019


At the end of this term we had to do a handwriting sample. We had to use capital and lower case letters and write a sentence about our science fair. What I like about my handwriting is that all my letters sit on the lines.  What I could do better is form my letters correctly.#

Friday 13 September 2019

Science Fair

Yesterday we had our  school  science  fair. My investigation was about flight with paper planes.

Friday 6 September 2019

musical Instruments

Team Awa made instruments using recycled materials. I really like that it makes a sound.
I made a guitar using a big box a paper towel roll and plastic bands.

Here is my musical  instrument.

Thursday 15 August 2019

Scientific Writing

We have been learning how to write scientific reports. We did an experiment and made a balloon hovercraft.

Scientific Experiment Writing

Balloon Hovercraft

How does a hovercraft hover?

I predict that the hovercraft will float up.

Cd, balloon, bottle cap.

Step 1 Using a hot glue gun, glue the bottle cap over the CD hole.
Step 2: Blow up a balloon. When it is fully inflated twist the end so no air comes out.
Step 3: Stretch the balloon over the bottle lid.
Step 4: Open the cap and place the CD on the table.
Step 5: Untwist the balloon & let go.

I found out that the air from the balloon creates a path of air.

The air from the balloon creates a cushion of moving air between the disc and the surface. The air lifts the CD and reduces the friction which allows the CD to hover across the surface.

Friday 9 August 2019

Volume and Capacity

This week we used popcorn to learn about volume and capacity.

Speech Writing

For the last two weeks we have been working on writing speeches.
My topic was about saving endangered animals.
We had to present them in front of our class.
I think I need to read a bit more slower.

Here is my speech.
Have you ever wondered what an endangered animal is? Well I am going to tell you what an endangered animal is. An animal that doesn’t have many of their species left is called endangered. Have you thought about what the world would be like without the giant panda?  I believe that we should help all the endangered animals.

Firstly, I think we need to help save the endangered animals by using less plastic. The endangered animals  might eat the plastic bags and rubbish. Did you now that there is a rubbish patch 2 times the size of America in the sea?

Secondly, we need to stop chopping down trees because it is their home and where they live. The panda’s food gets chopped down and birds nests get chopped down too. Lots of food and bamboo.

Finally, we need to stop hunting because we are killing more of their species then we won’t have any animals left.  Did you now that black rhinos get killed all the time for their horns. Hunters hunt for meat, fur and animal horns. 

 I strongly believe we should help to save endangered animals. We need to start using less plastic or recycling as much as we can. We need to stop chopping down trees and stop hunting animals. Come on people we can do this!

Friday 5 July 2019

Maths Book

For  maths this week we read a book called one is a snail ten is a crab. We then worked in groups to create our own version. My book is called One is a fish, ten is a squid. Here is my book. I hope you like it.

Tuesday 18 June 2019

Moon Rover Lander

For science we made a Moon rover lander using only a paper cup, paper, cellotape and straws.  We were given the task of making our Moon rover land softly onto our Moon landscape so that our marsh-mellow astronauts did not fly out.

What I like best about my Moon rover is the spring made by paper on the bottom. It helped my rover land gently.

What I needed to modify on my Moon lander rover was adding a parachute.

One thing I learned about landing on the Moon was that it needed a parachute to slow the landing down.

Here is a picture of my Moon rover landing on our school’s Moon surface.  I hope you like it!


Maori Conversation

We have been learning to talk to each other in Maori. Here is a conversation Laylah and I recorded on Screencastify.

Friday 14 June 2019

Maths problems

We have been working out multiplication problems. I have used times tables to help me solve the problems. Here are my maths problems.

Tuesday 11 June 2019

Handwriting Term 2

Here is my handwriting sample for term 2.
I am good at sitting my letters on the line. 
I need to work on the size of some letters. 

Friday 24 May 2019

what am I

This week we have been about space .here is a piece of my writing.The writing is at the bottem. 

Friday 17 May 2019


In reading we had some tasks to do about the sun. Here is mine. Week we have been learning about different celebrations around the world and in New Zealand.


This week we did a celebrations chart. Here is my one.

Friday 3 May 2019


We listened to an ANZAC day poem and then drew a picture to illustrate the poem. 

Friday 12 April 2019

Basic facts term 1

These are my Basic Facts results for the end of Term One.
I am working on Stage 4. I got 16\60.
I need to be on Stage 5 by the end of the year.


In reading we read a story called Giant Soup. We had to write a recipe on how to make giant soup.



Wednesday 10 April 2019

Goals for writing

Here are my writing goals for Term 2.

Friday 5 April 2019

STEAM activities

We have been doing Makerspace about the Living World. Yesterday I made insects out of materials like nuts, bolts and arts and crafts.

I made a video using Imovie about finding bugs in our school.

Thursday 4 April 2019


Today we learnt how to make a bug GIF.

Wednesday 3 April 2019

Bug Hotel

We have been separated into even groups. I was separated into the group that was making the bug hotel. A bug hotel is like a home for bugs. Here are some photos.  The first one is of a bug hotel and the second photo is my group making our own special bug hotel. 

Friday 29 March 2019

What is under the rock?

Today we wrote poems about living things. We had to use an adjective, noun and verb. Here is my published poem.

Friday 22 March 2019


For maths we have been working in mixed ability groups to solve problems. The focus has been solving word problems using place value. We have to select the correct the correct strategy to solve the problem. I have chosen two problems to show you how I work them out.
I find the addition easy.

Monday 18 March 2019

Cyber smart

We have been watching Hectors World to learn how to be Cyber smart.

Colour Poem

We have been writing poems about our house colour. I am in red house. 

Friday 15 March 2019

Environmental writing

We sketched our bean plants that we grew in class. We then wrote words around the outside to describe the bean plant. We had to use these words to write a piece of descriptive writing. We then cut out our picture and glued it on to your writing. Here is my writing.

Tuesday 12 March 2019

Self Portrait Art

We have been learning how to sketch our facial features. We needed to put
them in the right place on our face. For our background we typed our full name
and learned to copy and paste down the page.
I like my hair.
I need to work on my nose.
